all real

In an experimental set-up in Cologne’s public space, the performance duo katze und krieg is exploring whether and to what extent adopting different perspectives can lead to diverse experiences of reality. The starting point for their research series is the question: What kind of realities can we experience when we look at the world through different filters?

Wearing various mental reality glasses, the two performance artists move through everyday urban life together with their audience and try to immerse themselves in different realities. How does our perception influence what happens and vice versa? Do we have the possibility to shape reality by choosing a mode of perception? How differently can one and the same space be perceived? Do many realities exist side by side? Do conflicts become more understandable against this background? Does social division become more tangible? The audience is invited to accompany katze und krieg in their research and to make their own observations.


Dates and Locations

17.9.24// 6 p.m. // Wiener Platz
19.9.24 // 6 p.m. // Ehrenfeld
20.9.24 // 6 p.m. // Chlodwigplatz
21.9.24 // 6 p.m. // Friesenplatz

Ticket reservation:
Ticket price: 14/10 euros (reduced also for artists)
Please note that the number of participants is limited.



The performance is wheelchair accessible. There is a high auditory component in German language, also using radio receivers and headphones with adjustable volume.
If you have any requests, questions, need detailed directions or a pick-up service from the nearest train station, please contact us at



Christiane Kaja

