brood cell of paradise

From the beginning of the performance, katze und krieg search for and try to develop a paradise, which lays between them and the space. katze und krieg sleep in the space of the performance, which begins when they wake up and ends in the darkness of the evening. In the room, apart from mattresses, bedding and food, there is only a pile of white DinA4 paper, ink, water, brushes and adhesive tape. The door of the room is open. The spectators can come, stay, leave and come back as they like.
In the course of time, the room becomes more and more covered with pieces of paper. katze und krieg keep writing redefinitions of objects in the room on pieces of paper. These redefinitions are imagined, utopian improvements, new ascriptions for the respective objects. katze und krieg stick these slips of paper to the objects. After every single written note, they add a drop of black ink to the water, so that their writing gets blacker and blacker as time goes on.
For example, you can read on a piece of paper hanging from a light switch: “Happiness when pressed”, on it: “Enlightenment when pressed”, then: “Love when pressed”. On the wall, for example, one note reads: “No wall”, next to it hangs a second note: “Gives you a view of the whole country”, on which are stuck further notes: “the whole world”, “the universe”, “into yourself”.


On October 12, 2008 the performance took place within the festival “Zoom! International performanceart – Southeast Asia” in the bell tower of the Martinikirche in Hildesheim.
On February 12, 2011, the performance took place as part of the blogger congress “Re-evolution: crisis doesn’t have to be sad” at Kunsthaus Rhenania in Cologne.