we want to survive – by hook or by crook

It is winter 2011. katze und krieg have been living in Vienna for a short time. They have no income from their art at the moment but want to earn their money with it. So they try to earn their common living for one month within one week through their performance art in public space. katze und krieg work every day from 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. and explore a different performative money-making strategy every day, which is documented via videocamera.

On Monday, they beg and approach passers-by to ask for money, or humbly bow down on the floor to wait . On Tuesday, they offer passers-by spontaneous services, such as carrying their briefcase or walking their dog. On Wednesday they pursue a business idea, namely a massage service, which they offer to people in the S-Bahn to the airport as well as at the airport of Vienna. On Thursday they do shows by ringing apartment doors or entering stores to perform love songs. On Friday, they try to sell the documentary film they have made over the week about their money-making activities, and make intrusive approaches to collections and museums.

Concept and performance

katze und krieg


Domenico Peer


On July 23, 2011 the premiere of the 23 min long video took place in Hildesheim in the context of the “Gastmahl” of the exhibition “Über/Gabe” at the Kunstverein Hildesheim.
On May 26, 2013 a public lecture combined with a screening of the three videos “we want to survive – by hook or by crook”, “we want to survive – quite dramatically” and “we want to survive – with magic” took place at the Atelierhaus Alteburger Wall.


8 copies of the film (in an edition of 10) for 128,30 Euro each are still for sale, if you are interested please mail to katzeundkrieg@yahoo.de.